Butterfly fields
I took a walk one Summer's ‘eve
My thoughts were filled with gloom
My head full up with Melancholy
Under a balmy sun in June
The land she wore her mantle proud
Of vivid greens and gold
Buttercups peeked their yellow heads
Shining petals to unfold
And there amongst the grassy stalks
Both brown and lilac tipped
Flew a host of coloured butterflies
That flitted, darted, dipped
I watched them dance ‘round long stemmed grass
Then tuck their wings to hide
A foxglove bell served very well
to rest their heads inside
And I found myself in need to rest and sinking down to lie
When all at once upon my chest sat a painted butterfly
I dared not breathe nor speak a word
For fear that she'd depart
Her fluttering eyes of orange reds
Matched the beating of my heart
They say butterflies are messengers
And though their lives are brief
They seem to revel in each moment
No regrets, no angst, no grief
And in those moments I felt transformed
My head all filled with light
So I thanked my friend the butterfly
And let my shiny wings take flight
Áine McGarry 🌞