I Am 💫
What is God I ask myself
What does it mean to me
When I say I'm not religious but
have Spirituality?
My God it has no gender
nor colour, race or creed
Not Amen or Awomen or Anyone
To pray I have no need
Father, son and holy ghost
erased the sacred feminine
But surely God holds a Mother's love
As a balance to the masculine
I used to wonder as a girl in school
why Eve was born from Adam's rib
when it's women that give birth to men
So I don't believe that narrative
We're supposed to have freedom of choice
Yet our choices are not free
Religion is a human construct
for a male society
My God it is not vengeful
Has no judgement or authority
There are no mistakes
Just lessons learnt
To just be
There is no separation,
(Just variation)
No old man in the sky
My God is in the breath I breathe
Within every living eye
For we are connected consciousness
Like waves within the sea
YOU ARE Just love
We are All God you see
Áine McGarry 🌞